What is the social economy?

The social economy is made up of a variety of companies and initiatives whose goals prioritise the creation of certain forms of added value in society. In doing so, they respect the following basic principles:
•    priority of labour over capital;
•    democratic decision-making;
•    social connectedness;
•    transparency;
•    quality;
•    sustainability.


A social enterprise for customised work is primarily a place that employs all people willing to work who have an occupational disability and cannot find employment in the ordinary economic circuit.

The ultimate aim of a social enterprise is to provide employment for people who have difficulty accessing the labour market, with a view to improving their integration in society.

Since 2006, sheltered workplaces – including social workplaces, the local services economy and inclusion companies – have been covered by the social economy policy domain. As long as certain basic principles, values and conditions are respected, companies or initiatives whose goals prioritise the creation of certain forms of added value in society can consider themselves part of the social economy.